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Réseau des bibliothèques de Loire Semène

Go away, big green monster !

Auteur(s)Emberley, Ed (Auteur)

Titre(s)Go away, big green monster ! / Ed Emberley.

Editeur(s)London : Litte Brown, 2005.

Collection(s)(LB Kids).

RésuméWhat has a bluish-green nose, sharp white teeth, and big yellow eyes ? It's Big Green Monster ! But don't be frightened. Turn the pages of this die-cut book and watch him grow. Then, when you're ready to show him who's in charge, just turn the pages and make him disappear. Caldecott Award-winning author-artist Ed Emberley has created an ingenious way for kids to chase away their nighttime monsters.

Sujet(s)Ogres : Livres d'images Monstres : Livres d'images

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LivreAurec sur LoireJeunesseA EMBen rayon

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Source : Electre

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Source : Electre


Source : Wikipédia
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