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Réseau des bibliothèques de Loire Semène

Master Georgie

Auteur(s)Bainbridge, Beryl (Auteur)

Titre(s)Master Georgie / Beryl Bainbridge.

Editeur(s)London : Abacus, 1999.

RésuméWhen Master Georgie - George Hardy, surgeon and photographer - sets off from the cold squalor of Victorian Liverpool for the heat and glitter of the Bosphorus to offer his services in the Crimea, there straggles behind him a small caravan of devoted followers; Myrtle, his adoring adoptive sister; lapsed geologist Dr Potter; and photographer's assistant and sometime fire-eater Pompey Jones, all of them driven onwards through a rising tide of death and disease by a shared and mysterious guilt. Combining a breathtaking eye for beauty with a visceral understanding of mortality, Beryl Bainbridge exposes her enigmatic hero as tenderly and unsparingly as she reveals the filth and misery of war, and creates a novel of luminous depth and extraordinary intensity.

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Source : Electre

Table des matières

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Source : Electre


Source : Wikipédia
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