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Blues légendes

Auteur(s)Lee Hooker, John ;Clapton, Eric (1945-...) ;Waters, Muddy

Titre(s)Blues légendes / John Lee Hooker, Muddy Waters, Eric Clapton...

Editeur(s)Universal, P 2001.

ContientBoom, Boom, Boom, Boom / John Lee Hooker. - Mannish Boy / Muddy Waters. - Before you accuse me (Take a look at yourself) / Eric Clapton. - The Sky is crying / Stevie Ray Vaughan. - The Trill is gone / B.B. King. - Purple rain / Lucky Peterson. - Why can't we live together / Nawfel. - Stuck in the middle with you / The Jeff Healey Band. - Lie to me / Jonny Lang. - Gimme all your lovin' / ZZ Top. - Cocaine / J.J.Cale. - I just want to make love to you / Etta James. - My babe / Little Walter. - How many more years / Howlin' Wolf. - Spoonful / Cream. - Statesboro blues / The Allman Brothers Band. - Black magic woman (live) / Santana. - Parisienne walkways / Gary Moore.

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AperçuBib. d'origineSectionCoteSituationDate retour
CDSaint Didier en VelayDiscothèque1.1 BLUen rayon


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