
loire semene 300


Réseau des bibliothèques de Loire Semène

Finding Nemo

Auteur(s)Newman, Thomas (1955-...) (Compositeur) ;Bernstein, Bill (Compositeur)

Titre(s)Finding Nemo / Thomas Newman, Bill Bernstein ; Bande originale du film.

Editeur(s)Walt Disney Records, 2003.

ContientWow. - Barracuda. - Nemo Egg. - First Day. - Field Trip. - Mr.Ray, Scientist. - The Divers. - Lost. - Short-Term Dory. - Why Trust A Shark?. - Friends Not Food. - Fish-O-Rama. - Gill. - Mt.Wannahockaloogie. - Foolproof. - Squishy. - Jellyfish Forest. - Stay Awake. - School Of Fish. - Filter Attempt. - The Turtle Lope. - Curl Away My Son. - News Travels. - The Little Clownfish From The Reef. - Darla Filth Offramp. - Lost in Fog. - Scum Angel. - Haiku. - Time To Let Go. - Sydney Harbour. - Pelicans. - Drill. - Fish In My Hair !. - All Drains Lead To The Ocean. -..P.Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney... - Fishing Grounds. - Swim Down. - Finding Nemo. - Fronds Like These. - Beyond The Sea (performed by Robbie Williams).

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CDSaint Just malmontJeunesseJ 6.1 NEWen rayon


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